Life Drawing Academy Personal Tutoring

Correspondence Course

Personal Tutoring

The Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course is the ultimate choice if you would like to receive personal, one-to-one tutoring from the Academy teachers, which is custom-tailored to your level of drawing skills.

You will discover how to draw realistic figures and portraits from life, memory, and imagination with the necessary knowledge of a human body's construction, proportions, and anatomy.

You will go through up to 100 drawing tasks, step by step, under the guidance of academy tutors.

This is your unique chance to get a lifetime academy membership and a dedicated team of art tutors who teach the same drawing techniques as taught in the best Russian art academies. Such unlimited personal art tutoring is not available anywhere else.

What You will Get

  • Unlimited access to 52 life drawing video lessons
  • Lifetime membership without deadlines
  • Dedicated team of art tutors
  • Unlimited support from the Academy tutors
  • Constructive critique of your artworks
  • Assessment of your current level of drawing skills
  • Personalized curriculum tailored to your skills and goals
  • Up to 100 drawing tasks
  • Unlimited one-to-one personal coaching with detailed per-task instructions and feedback
  • By-task assessments and artwork critiques
  • Results-oriented guidance
  • Member access to the Academy's Art community
  • Place in the Academy's Students Gallery
  • Exclusive members-only newsletter and bonuses
  • Life Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence in your name

Great value for money

The real value of personal, one-to-one tutoring is $9,900 (100 tasks at $99 each).
In addition, you will also receive all 52 video lessons ($5,148 value).
Which makes the total value of the Correspondence Course $15,048.
The only fee you ever pay is $997 USD

Personal Tutoring Offer

Get the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course
for only $997


Here's how the Life Drawing Academy compares to an art college:

Contemporary art college Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course
Traditional life drawing skills, techniques, and know-how Not taught / Optional It's the core subject of the course
Art tutors Limited to period of college enrollment Dedicated team of tutors available for a lifetime
Tutors teaching drawing by own example Not applicable Unlimited personal coaching
Video lessons Not available You can watch as many times as you want
Location Have to travel or relocate Correspondence tutoring in the comfort of your home
Timing Limited to college hours 27/7, 365 days a year for a lifetime
Deadlines Inflexible schedule Self-paced study, no deadlines
Personal support Limited to period of college enrollment Unlimited, provided for a lifetime
Individual curriculum Not applicable Bespoke curriculum tailored to student's skills
Personal, one-to-one tutoring Not applicable Unlimited, provided for a lifetime
Artwork critiques Limited to period of college enrollment Unlimited, provided for a lifetime
Answers to art questions Limited to period of college enrollment Unlimited, provided for a lifetime
Real value, USD Uncertain $15,048
Discount None 93%
Total cost, USD $50,000-100,000

One-time fee $997


Video: The World's Best Drawing Course

Life Drawing Academy - Correspondence Course

Personal Tutoring

As a Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course student, you will receive dedicated, one-to-one tutoring, which is unlimited, comes for a lifetime, and is tailored to your individual skills and needs. This is as good as having your very own art tutors for a lifetime for a one-time payment. No other art college or university will ever offer you the same opportunity.

In this course, you will cover such topics as:

  • How to handle a pencil and make perfect lines
  • How to develop good tonal rendering style
  • How to use constructive drawing and perspective
  • Rules of composition
  • Golden proportions
  • How to use contours and proportions
  • How to draw organic objects and landscapes
  • How to draw draperies and clothed figures
  • Construction, anatomy and proportions of a human head
  • How to draw realistic portraits
  • Construction, anatomy and proportions of a human figure
  • How to draw realistic figures
  • How to draw animals
  • Character design
  • And any additional drawing topics you would like to learn

Life Drawing Academy - Correspondence Course

How it works

  1. Upon enrollment, we will assess your current level of drawing skills.
  2. Your art tutors will provide you with a full comprehensive critique of your drawing abilities and advise what needs to be improved.
  3. A custom-tailored art curriculum will be created for you.
  4. You will receive up to 100 drawing tasks one-by-one together with detailed instructions that will help you to achieve a greater level of drawing skills.
  5. You will learn step-by-step how to draw whatever you see or imagine.
  6. Your skills will be assessed as you go task by task. You will know precisely what you have to work on at every step of the curriculum.
  7. You will also have unlimited access to all 52 drawing video lessons of the Life Drawing Academy online course.
  8. You can study at your own pace. There are no deadlines; your membership is for lifetime.
  9. You will also have a place in the online Student Gallery to exhibit your artworks, which gives you access to the art community of fellow students and visitors.
  10. Upon completing the course, you will receive a Life Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence in your name.

Life Drawing Academy Personal Tutoring FAQ:

What is the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course?

The Correspondence Course is a personal one-to-one tutoring experience where you will learn traditional drawing skills under the guidance of dedicated art teachers. Studying by correspondence means that you will get all necessary instructions, explanations, tutoring, critique and guidance in writing.

What topics will this course cover?

The course topics will cover all drawing skills you would like to learn. This will bridge your skills and knowledge gaps. In addition to your chosen topics, you may also need to learn such subjects as:

  • Proficient ways of handling a pencil and making perfect lines
  • Traditional techniques of tonal rendering
  • Constructive drawing principles including linear and aerial perspective, foreshortening, contours, proportions, alignments, and so on
  • Rules of composition and Golden proportions
  • How to draw geometric and organic objects
  • How to draw landscapes and cityscapers
  • How to draw draperies and clothed figures
  • Construction, anatomy and proportions of a human head
  • How to draw realistic portraits
  • Construction, anatomy and proportions of a human figure
  • How to draw realistic figures
  • How to draw animals

What if I want to learn something special?

We will include additional topics into your curriculum based on your art goals, so you can achieve them.

Is it possible for me to learn life drawing by correspondence?

Studying by correspondence will give you a great advantage over some face-to-face teaching. First of all, your schedule will be much more flexible so you can study at your own pace. But above all, you will receive all feedback and tutoring in writing. This means it will be available for you at any time so you can re-read instructions and explanations, re-check our critique, refresh rules and advice given, and refer to educational materials provided for previous tasks.

How my skills and progress will be evaluated?

Before creating a custom-tailored curriculum for you, your drawing skills will be assessed and your art tutors will provide you with a full comprehensive critique of your current level of abilities and advise what needs to be improved. Your skills also will be assessed as you go task by task. You will know precisely what you have to work on at every step of the curriculum.

Do I need special art materials?

If you have a few graphite pencils, an eraser and drawing paper, you are ready for the course. Additional materials may include a drawing board and a crafts knife. That's all you need to fully benefit from this course.

What drawing tasks will I get?

This depends on your personal curriculum which will be tailored to your current level of skill. Your drawing tasks will cover all the topics mentioned above as well as the topics you would like to learn in addition to our proposed list.

What instructions will I get?

For every task, you will get fully explained and illustrated instructions that you can follow step by step. Every task will be described point by point so it will be very clear to you what to do and how.

Are there any deadlines?

This is a self-paced course. There are no deadlines and no time pressure.

How does the Correspondence Course compare to an art college?

The traditional constructive drawing methods and techniques are the core of the Correspondence Course. Such techniques are not taught in depth at contemporary art colleges. In a college, you will not get a custom-tailored curriculum developed just for you. In the Correspondence Course, all your educational topics and tasks will be based on such a curriculum so you can learn what you need to improve your personal drawing skills.

As the Life Drawing Academy student, you will have lifetime access to 52 video lessons. It is as good as sitting next to the tutors and watching them drawing in front of your eyes. No teacher at a contemporary art college will ever show you by his own example how to create different masterpieces, giving a step-by-step explanation.

To study at an art college, you would have to relocate, your schedule would be strict, and you would have deadlines to meet. At Life Drawing Academy, you can study in the comfort of your home, you will have your own flexible schedule, and no deadlines.

At a college, your tutoring would be limited. At Life Drawing Academy, you will have a lifetime membership for a one-time fee.

At a college, you would get limited support. At Life Drawing Academy such support is unlimited, available for a lifetime, includes your artworks critiqued, and comes at no extra cost.

A contemporary art college would take up to 4 years of your time and may cost up to $100,000 including relocation, accommodation, tuition, and other fees. This comes with no guarantee that you will actually learn the necessary trade skills.

What will I learn on this course?

You will learn how to draw whatever you see or imagine using constructive drawing and proficient rendering techniques. Depending on your current level of skills and knowledge, a custom-tailored curriculum will be developed for you. This curriculum will include many different topics with up to 100 drawing tasks that will help you to achieve a greater level of drawing skills.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

If you are a complete beginner, this course will be tremendously helpful for you. We will include basic yet very helpful topics for you to begin with and will help you to grow your drawing skills to the advanced level.

If you are an advanced artist, your curriculum will start with a different set of tasks that will include topics you are interested in. For example, this could include how to depict emotions in portrait, how to portray personality of a sitter, how to do genre artworks and so on.

Who are the tutors?

You will have a dedicated team of art tutors – Natalie Richy and Vladimir London who taught many art students and helped them to become professional artists.

Your main tutor will be Vladimir London. Vladimir is an art tutor and creator of several online art courses including Drawing Academy, Anatomy Master Class and Old Masters Academy.

How skills of your art students improved?

Natalie and Vladimir have taught many art students around the world how to draw and paint. You can check their students' progress in the online gallery of Life Drawing Academy and other art courses. You are also welcome to check students' reviews and feedback on the progress they have achieved because of the Life Drawing Academy course tutors.

How will I communicate with tutors?

All communication will be via email. Verbal instructions and critique could be forgotten the next day, but written guidance will be available for as long as you choose to keep it.

Can I talk over a phone or Skype with tutors?

For the reason explained above, we will not waste your time with video calls. You will need to keep the written instructions for future reference. Believe us, there will be a lot of information to take in and there is no way you could remember it the first time, if you hear it over a phone.

Will I become a professional artist by completing this course?

This depends on your goals. If you would like to dedicate your professional life to making fine art, this course will be very helpful in achieving your dream. The information and skills you will learn in the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course are not taught at contemporary art colleges. The know-how you will receive in this course will give you the edge to become a better artist.

Can you guarantee my results?

For legal reasons, we cannot guarantee any results because they do not depend on us: they depend on you.

We can only say that if you follow the curriculum task by task, there is no way to fail. You will get certain skills and know-how from every single task. If you follow our instructions, your new skills will reflect in the quality of art you produce.

Can I get a refund?

Our time is limited and therefore we can only accept a limited number of students. If you are not sure whether you want to became a better artist, please do not take someone else's place.

To help you take responsibility for your decisions, we tell you upfront – there will be no refunds; we will not support your procrastination should you sabotage yourself. Once you enroll, you will have to continue to the end to make your dream come true.

When will my tutoring be completed?

You will finish the Correspondence Course when you have completed all 100 of the drawing tasks to the quality required.

How long will it take for me to complete the course?

This depends on you. If you take one week for every task, it would take you about two years to do this course.

What will happen after the course?

When you complete the Correspondence Course, you will receive a Life Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence in your name and will have full academy membership for life.

You can send us your artworks for critique at any time. This support is unlimited and comes at no extra cost.

Will this course work for me?

The question should actually be the other way around – will you work to achieve your art goals?

There is simply no way to fail because your drawing skills cannot stay the same as long as you practice the art techniques we will teach you. If you do the tasks one by one, and follow our guidance and suggestions for improvement, this course will work for you and your drawing skills will advance to a higher level.

Personal Tutoring Offer

Get the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course
for only $997


Personal Tutoring Working Principles

Personal Tutoring will be provided according to the following Working Principles:

  1. All communication will be via email. Keeping all correspondence in writing will allow us to keep the full track of the tasks given, as well as your reports and our feedback. Verbal instructions and feedback can be forgotten by the next day; tutoring in writing will be with you forever.
  2. Upon enrollment in the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course, you will receive a Welcome email from the Academy tutors with instructions for your first steps.
  3. You will be given a drawing test you need to complete as instructed. This will enable us to evaluate your current level of drawing skills and create an individual curriculum tailored to your level of skills and needs.
  4. Your individual curriculum will consist of up to 100 practical drawing tasks. This curriculum can be amended from time to time, depending on your progress and at the tutors' discretion.
  5. You will be given an in-depth critique of your drawing-test artworks and indication of the skill gaps you have. You will also receive a description of what drawing skills you will learn in this course according to your curriculum and what topics our custom-tailored tutoring will cover.
  6. You will be provided with instructions of what drawing materials to get and how to arrange your working space.
  7. Drawing tasks will be given to you one by one, progressing from simple to more advanced drawing exercises.
  8. You cannot skip given tasks. Every exercise is designed to give you practical drawing skills required for next, more advanced steps.
  9. The next task will be given after you complete the previous one with the required quality. It might take several attempts to achieve satisfactory results. This is normal, and you have to be prepared for repetitive work.
  1. There are no deadlines, no time pressures. You can study at your own pace.
  2. You have to arrange and follow your own learning schedule. Let Academy tutors know about it, so the tutoring can be scheduled accordingly.
  3. It is your responsibility to report on your progress. We won't chase you.
  4. If we don't hear from you for more than one month, we might decide that you have dropped out.
  5. In addition to our tasks, we encourage you to work on your own creative projects. However, you cannot replace the drawing tasks with your own projects. You need to do them in addition to, not instead of given drawing tasks.
  6. Should you decide to send your creative artworks for critique, you will receive our feedback. However, we cannot provide step-by-step instructions on how to improve your creative artworks if they require skills you have not yet developed by doing drawing tasks that yet to come. This would be jumping over the topics we haven't covered yet, and as such would interrupt and slow down your learning curve.
  7. Personal tutoring will be provided till you complete the full curriculum of drawing tasks.
  8. A Life Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence will be given in your name upon the Correspondence Course completion. Thereafter, you will continue to have our full support, including artwork critiques for a lifetime.
  9. You agree that, from time to time, we may share and publish artworks you send us along with our critique and feedback on our website(s) for other students and users to see and learn from. If you don't want your full name to be published, you are welcome to choose a pen name.

Personal Tutoring Offer

Get the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course
for only $997