Students Gallery

As a Life Drawing Academy member, you will have a unique opportunity to exhibit your works of art in the Academy's Students Gallery.
It is a great way to share your art, showcase your progress, and connect with fellow students and gallery visitors.

Portrait by Marc, Life Drawing Academy student
"Thank you for your words of advice and kind feedback.
I have finished a drawing of my grandfather. I started it with basic construction, trying to strike a balance between using the rules of construction and the individual features of the face."
Thank you!
Marc Martinez
(Graphite pencil on paper)

Portrait by Zora, Life Drawing Academy student
"This is my first attempt at drawing a portrait after I enrolled in the Life Drawing Academy course.
I started with lessons related to portrait - practiced drawing a skull and facial features.
I find the information in this course very, very helpful and well explained."
Portraits by Yvonne, Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course student

Drawings by Joselyn, Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course student
"Thanks to Life Drawing Academy teachers my success feels so achievable!"Joselyn
Artworks by Carmen, Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course Student
Carmen takes the personal tutoring course at Life Drawing AcademyGrisaille by Matteo, Life Drawing Academy student
This artwork is a copy of León Bonnat's painting "Christ" that was originally painted in 1874 and now is on display in Petit Palais, Paris, France. Matteo, Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course student did this wonderful copy in grisaille using traditional oil painting techniques.Portrait and figure drawings by Jones Mwansa
Jones Mwansa, a Life Drawing Academy student, presents wonderful portrait and figure drawings. These artworks have good proportions, believable anatomy, attention to detail and well-crafted tonal rendering, but above all, they portray personality of models and reflect warm personal feelings, which makes art by Jones unique and recognisable.How to Improve Drawing Skills
We received a couple of drawings for critique from Igor, who is looking for the best way of improving his drawing skills. In this review, Vladimir London, a Life Drawing Academy tutor will assess Igor's level of skills and advise what gaps in drawing education Igor has and how to bridge those gaps the best way.Ionic Capital Drawings by Alessandro, Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course student
How to draw an Ionic capital was one of the tasks Alessandro received in the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course after completing numerous tasks on perspective and constructive drawing. In this task, Alessandro discovered one of the classical architectural canons - Ionic.Venus portrait by Carmen Wong, Correspondence Course student

Portrait sketches by Amy Wetmore, Correspondence Course student

Drawings by students