How to Learn Sculpting - Question from Evahn

I am mostly interested in learning how to sculpt the human figure and wonder if taking the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course would be the best way to move forward.
I am deeply connected with the topics of your course and understand that knowledge of anatomy and other fundamentals will make me a better sculptor.
I am considering taking the plan with the personal tutoring, thinking it might be the best way to keep me going and better face the anguish of all the years I spent NOT learning how to make art. I am working as a Technical Artist and considering using this course to get new art skills.
Thank you for your time,
Best regards,
Feedback from Vladimir London, art tutor
Dear Evahn,
Thank you for your question about the Life Drawing Academy course. I strongly believe that to become a better artist/sculptor, you need good drawing skills. If you want an example, check out Michelangelo Buonarroti's biography. He thought about himself as a sculptor; all he wanted to do is marble carving, but he was the artist who produced probably the best charcoal/sanguine drawings and fresco paintings in the history of arts. Drawing is the foundation of all fine arts; that is why you need good drawing skills whether you want to sculpt, paint, etc.
Because Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course is individually shaped for every student according to one's skills and needs, your curriculum can have emphasis on model making, sculpting, mold making and cold casting. All these topics will be in addition to drawing tasks.
Here are some examples of what you can learn in this course when it comes to sculpting:
Of course, you will also learn anatomy for artists, constructive drawing, tonal rendering, figurative drawing, composition, perspective and so on.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
To learn good drawing techniques, enroll in the Life Drawing Academy course:
Online Course
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Personal Tutoring Online + Online Course
The ultimate choice if you who would like to receive personal, one-to-one tutoring from the Academy teachers, which is custom-tailored to your skills and needs
- Everything in Online Course, plus:
- Dedicated team of art tutors
- Assessment of your current level of drawing skills
- Personalized curriculum tailored to your skills and goals
- Up to 100 drawing tasks with by-task assessment
- Unlimited one-to-one personal coaching with detailed per-task instructions and feedback
- Artwork critiques and results-oriented guidance
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$997 USD